
Dongguan Fusheng Hardware Mould Co., Ltd

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What material properties should be considered when manufacturing hardware molds?
  • Release time:2023-12-05
  • Number of views 1211
Hardware molds are specialized tools used in industrial production to produce parts or products of the desired shape from metal materials using various presses and specialized tools installed on the presses. These specialized tools are collectively referred to as hardware molds. When manufacturing hardware molds, the following material properties need to be considered:


Material strength: Hardware molds need to withstand significant impact and pressure during use, so it is necessary to choose materials with higher strength. The high strength of the material can ensure the stability and service life of the mold.
Wear resistance of materials: Hardware molds will frequently come into contact with metal parts during use, so it is necessary to choose materials with good wear resistance. The material has good wear resistance, which can reduce the wear of the mold and extend its service life.
Thermal conductivity of materials: Hardware molds generate a large amount of heat during use, so it is necessary to choose materials with good thermal conductivity. The material has good thermal conductivity and can effectively dissipate the heat inside the mold, avoiding mold deformation or cracking.
Corrosion resistance of materials: Hardware molds may come into contact with some corrosive media during use, so it is necessary to choose materials with good corrosion resistance. The material has good corrosion resistance, which can ensure the surface quality and accuracy of the mold.
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