
Dongguan Fusheng Hardware Mould Co., Ltd

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What is the process flow of hardware mold processing
  • Release time:2023-12-05
  • Number of views 797
Hardware molds are specialized molds used for the production of hardware products and are important process equipment for the production of hardware products. The process flow of hardware mold processing mainly includes the following steps:
Plan design: Based on product requirements and design drawings, develop a processing plan for hardware molds.
Mold material preparation: Prepare suitable hardware materials and process them according to processing requirements, such as cutting, grinding, etc.
Rough machining: Use cutting tools to perform preliminary machining on the raw materials of the mold, remove excess parts, and form a rough mold shape.
Semi precision machining: further improve the surface smoothness and shape accuracy of the mold, preparing for subsequent precision machining.
Precision machining: Using high-precision grinding and polishing equipment, the mold is finely machined to achieve the final shape and surface quality requirements.
Heat treatment: Heat treat the mold as needed to improve its organizational structure and enhance various properties.
Inspection and debugging: Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the processed mold to ensure its quality and performance meet the requirements, and carry out debugging to ensure the smooth operation of the mold.
Packaging and delivery: Properly package qualified molds to protect them from damage and deliver them to customers for use.
Please note that the above process is for general reference only, and the actual hardware mold processing process may be adjusted according to specific circumstances and requirements.
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